Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I Am Here

You know those Summer nights, where the air is warm and the stars glisten in the sky, as if they were diamonds falling directly off of the throne of God? 

Those nights when you lay blankets down in your backyard and plug headphones into your ipod. 

The music succors you into a deep sedation, so that for a moment, the world is swept away by a wave and you're the only one who has been washed back onto shore. 

It's just you and God. 

Those are the moments in my life that my soul craves. 

It's times like these where I start to dream, but my eyes are wide open. 

I dream about love.  

Someday I'll be sure to find it. 

Or it will be sure to find me. 

In my dreams I am bigger than the world. 

Yet, as I stare up into the vault of heaven, I begin to realize how small I really am. 

I keep gazing but I'm only getting smaller and smaller. 

But, it doesn't bother me so much. 

It's then when I remember that I am with God and no matter how small I am, I will forever be great in His eyes. 

My dreams come true when they are revolved around Him. 

I am capable of doing anything when I have God by my side. 

He is my rock and I owe it to him for keeping me here. 


  1. "...stars glisten in the sky, as if they were diamonds falling directly off of the throne of God?"

    love. love love love. hashtag stealing this.

  2. It's about freaking time.

  3. #...Wow... That was very deep, #stolen. I love diamonds.
