Sunday, October 27, 2013

Y2K and Captain Hook

Could somebody please explain to me why I am so scared?
It's starting to consume my life. 
Could you like, give me a pill or something to make it stop?
Actually, don't. 
Cause I'm afraid of drugs.
I'm afraid of what they can do.
I'm also afraid of fire.
One time when I was eight, I was in Sunday school and my teacher told our class that if we didn't repent of our sins, then we would burn during the Second Coming.
Yeah, those words still scare me. 
I'm afraid of silence. 
That ear piercing sound of nothing always makes me feel uneasy.
Loud noises scare me too. 
And that jolt of electricity that run through your body right after they happen.
I'm afraid of driving too fast in the car.
Im afraid of running out of toilet paper in public restrooms.
I'm afraid of what's really in a hot dog.
I'm afraid of the footsteps I hear upstairs when I am the ONLY ONE HOME!!!
(It legit just happened you guys!!)
I'm afraid of homeless people. 
Not because some of them look like they could turn you into a human skin suit, but because they have nothing when I have everything I could ever need. 
What's even scarier is that most of them are actually well off, dishonest, people trying to steal your compassion and all the money in your wallet. 
I'm afraid that Enya is never going to make a new Album.
Im afraid of that stupid 3 foot doll my grandma keeps in our laundry room.
I let her keep it in there though because she loves that doll and I am afraid that someday I won't get to see her smile again. 
Yeah yeah, some of these things are really dumb but, these are things that strike fear in my soul.
What scares me the most is never being good enough.
In school, In being a sister, In being a future parent/spouse, But most of all, in the way God views me.
That absolutely terrifies me... 


  1. "I'm afraid that Enya isn't going to make a new album"
    hahaha aren't we all. #stolen

  2. "Could somebody please explain to me why I am so scared?
    It's starting to consume my life." Yes. I ask myself this question daily.. love this post!
